Law Of Attraction Explained

Okay, some people have asked me to explain the Law of Attraction in the simplest possible terms, so that they can comprehend it more clearly. Cool, that is easy. Here we go. Everything around us vibrates, every piece of existence is a form of energy. That isn't just me saying so, it's a scientific fact. Go and watch the movie What the Bleep if you want to know more about it. Out of this huge mass of energy-matter is formed through a specific arrangement, rate of vibration and density of the energy particles in the mass. For example, arrange the particles in a certain way and within a certain distance, and you can get water. 

Arranged a different way and with different density, steam emerges. Arrange the particles differently again, and ice is created. Now for all matter counts that it is made up of the same stuff. Everything consists of cells, molecules, atoms and subatomic particles like protons, neutrons and the like, the arrangement, rate of vibration and density makes the distinction between you and -let us say- a tree. That's why we speak of the quantum soup, this is the form behind the form", the basis of whatever we can experience AS form. Many people refer to the quantum soup as a field of potentiality or waves of probability, all of it boils down to the same thing: There's this substance that lies at the basis of all creation of matter. 

How does the Law of Attraction fit in all this? Well, you've to maintain what I wrote above in the rear of your mind, and after that read on. The Law of Attraction states that what one constantly thinks about and have emotions about is what's going to come about. The emotions might be bad or good ones, the Law of Attraction doesn't care. If you would like something really badly and feel really good about this, you'll more than likely get it. And on the other hand, if you don't want something at all, and feel bad about the prospect of having it, you'll probably get it, too! Law of Attraction is all-inclusive. 

Whatever is most prominent in your consciousness is more than likely the actual thing you're going to attract. The way that this happens is thru focused and thru. The thought is one form of energy, just like anything else. Whether you have a thought, you make an impression -literally- on the quantum soup, by which the object of your thought is turning into a reality. Keep that thought up long enough, and the object becomes physical", a form. Liken it to an architect. He comes up with the focused thought of a brand new building.


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