
Showing posts from April, 2019

The Power Of Affirmation

The Power Of Affirmation Our thoughts are magnetic, they draw to us whatever we're thinking. Positive thinking creates positive results. Pessimistic thoughts attract negative experiences and keep us stuck. Many of our fear-based beliefs came from the decisions we made from our experiences. For instance, if you feel guilty about something you did, you might decide that you're bad and that you do not deserve to be prosperous. These are called affirmations. You may easily change any negative thought into a positive one. Listen to your daily thoughts and conversations. Whenever you hear a negative one, say, cancel or imagine that you're erasing it.  You may also imagine that you're burning it away with a laser beam or whatever image works for you. Then change it to a positive one. After a while, you'll start to do it automatically. You may also become aware of your pessimistic thoughts by making a list of them. Write on top of a piece of paper, I'm afrai...

Programming The Subconscious Mind

Programming The Subconscious Mind If you wish to learn how to program the subconscious to ascend to greatness you need to adopt some new ideas and technology - Your subconscious is just like a big mainframe that stretches on for miles. Everything you have ever experienced or detected them stored away in its vast ancient data center. Most of what we know pales in comparison to the possibilities. These days, there are several new methods to use to access the unexplored region which is proving to be helpful for changing behaviors, accessing undiscovered talents, and even attracting wealth, peace and prosperity. This subconscious of yours is the AI that drives your being.   This strong region of the mind is accountable for all of your instincts. Just imagine, the reason you're the way you're, like it or not has much to do with this secret part of your mind. In addition to that, it is monitoring all of your automated processes like respiration, heartbeat, kidney filtra...

Law Of Attraction Explained

Okay, some people have asked me to explain the Law of Attraction in the simplest possible terms, so that they can comprehend it more clearly. Cool, that is easy. Here we go. Everything around us vibrates, every piece of existence is a form of energy. That isn't just me saying so, it's a scientific fact. Go and watch the movie What the Bleep if you want to know more about it. Out of this huge mass of energy-matter is formed through a specific arrangement, rate of vibration and density of the energy particles in the mass. For example, arrange the particles in a certain way and within a certain distance, and you can get water.  Arranged a different way and with different density, steam emerges. Arrange the particles differently again, and ice is created. Now for all matter counts that it is made up of the same stuff. Everything consists of cells, molecules, atoms and subatomic particles like protons, neutrons and the like, the arrangement, rate of vibration and density makes t...

The best ways to learn the details of the Law of Attraction.

Many individuals today are intrigued in the law of attraction. Because of the financial stress so some individuals are under, there's a very valid reason to be intrigued in learning how to manifest the things you want. The last time the law of attraction was so popular was throughout the great depression. Now, with the United States in an economic downturn, individuals are searching for help in places they might not have thought of before. The law of attraction is attractive to many individuals not only due to its success but additionally due to its ease of use. Law of Attraction eBooks are among the best ways to learn the details of the Law of Attraction.  There's still a basic learning curve with regards to the law of attraction. Many individuals have purchased books about it, but others are searching for law of attraction eBooks particularly because they can download them and start reading them instantly. These eBooks offer all the details that a normal book on the ...

Spiritual Psychology and Mental Health

The New Thought Movement emerged in 19th century US, in part as a response to the doctrine of materialism, challenging the view that the psyche has no measurable impact on matter. A heterogeneous set of ideas and practices made the movement impossible to define, and over time it moved away from its foundations in Christian theology, toward a more abstract conception of God as the unconscious mind. Two foundational thinkers in second-generation New Thought are Ernest Holmes, who founded the Church of Religious Science, and Joseph Murphy who eventually became minister at the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles. Both Holmes and Murphy taught a set of practices that promised one could heal their body and obtain prosperity through “scientific prayer.” The New Thought Movement had a sweeping impact on the other movements that followed, including the Human Potential Movement of the 1950s (inspired by Humanistic Psychology founder, Abraham Maslowe), and the Personal Transforma...