
Showing posts from May, 2019

Healing the body with the power of the mind

Researchers have long studied the healing power of the mind on the body. What they have concluded is that when the element of belief is strong, healing the body with the mind is possible. The placebo effect The placebo effect has become a well-recognized phenomenon in modern-day medical treatments. A placebo is defined as an inert, innocuous substance that has no effect on the body. When given a placebo, patients simply believe they are taking an actual drug and subsequently feel better because of it, although they didn’t actually receive any “active” treatment. In this instance, “belief” is the factor that triggers the subconscious mind-healing programme. However, that trigger is not always obvious. The current body of evidence now shows the benefits of placebos and sham surgeries that deliver the same effects as potent drugs or actual surgery, proving that the power of the mind or power of belief can really be a healing force. It accounts for one-third of all improvem...

10 tips to align your mind, body, and spirit when regular life blows up your balance

10 tips to align your mind, body, and spirit when regular life blows up your balance Between work, friends, family, and numerous other adult things—like, oh, a side hustle, self-care, and sleep, to name a few—it’s very easy for the mind, body, and spirit to get, or at least feel, off-balance. To be honest, it’s a near-inevitable aspect of being a human. And the key to getting back into alignment? Having key tools available to help you out whenever you need them. Or better yet, resolving to incorporate these strategies into daily rituals. Below, Kelsey Patel, a Los Angeles-based reiki master, meditation teacher, and Well+Good Council member share her go-to tips and tools for balancing the mind, body, and spirit like a total pro. Read on for a reiki master’s tips to balance the mind, body, and soul.1. Meditate in a way that works for you It’s no secret that a meditation sesh can help center you, regardless of what’s going on. But if the idea of sitting still is...

7 Facts About Subliminal Messaging

7 Facts About Subliminal Messaging Subliminal messages are increasingly spoken about, controversy surrounds them, as do various ridiculous myths and claims about their use - here are some truths about subliminal messaging, and 7 things you didn't know: It isn't just Anthony Robbins who is an advocate of the power of subliminal messages, but golfer Tiger Woods, and Stephen Speilberg have admitted to using it. It is not "illegal" as reported by some but simply banned from use within advertising due to its unfair potential to manipulate viewers. You can, of course, use it to help support your own personal development. Major brands such as Coca Cola, & McDonald's were accused of using subliminal messages in their advertising. Coca-cola for including subliminal imagery of nude girls within their branding, and McDonald's for showing an advertisement for a split second frame on the "Food Network" TV station as well as additional accusat...

The Power Of Gratitude

The Giving Of Gratitude Here are a few reflections on what science has to say about gratitude, that has been called the forgotten factor in happiness research. Psychologists Robert Emmons at the University of California at Davis, and Michael McCullough, at the University of Miami, are foremost researchers in the field of gratitude. What they've learned so far is that gratitude is good for you, really good for you. In an experimental comparison, individuals who kept gratitude journals every week exercised more on a regular basis, reported fewer physical symptoms, felt better about their life as a whole, and were more optimistic about the upcoming week compared to people who recorded hassles or neutral life events.  And there's more. Teenagers who practice a daily gratitude intervention had higher levels of alertness, enthusiasm, determination, attentiveness, and energy when compared to the group that focuses on hassles or thinking of the manner in which they were bette...

Secret Law Of Attraction

Secret Law Of Attraction When the world as you realize it's collapsed around you, perhaps a relationship has come to an end, you lost a job, your mates abandoned you or you can have simply lost sight of what you want from life leaving you wondering what's the secret to finding happiness once more? The answers you're searching for can be found inside the Law of Attraction. The key to life and eternal happiness has been known to a select few who've become a few of the most outstanding figures in history. From Plato to Beethoven, Einstein to Shakespeare. These prestigious people understood the secret laws that governed their lives.  Now you have an opportunity to discover this too. With the Law of Attraction, life can ultimately be defined as this, we're the masters of our own universe. Your life and your happiness are completely in your hands and your hands alone. Reality and everything around us is what we've created within our own mind. Our minds are es...